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Sydney Ensuite.


Marianne Gailer
Certified Kitchen & Bathroom Designer

Bathroom Contemporary

The original bathroom in this late-60s house was literally falling apart and in desperate need of replacing. The owners were keen to give their new bathroom a point of difference and were open to move walls to make the room more functional.

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Because the original ensuite was so small, the designer decided to ‘borrow’ some floor area from the adjoining family bathroom by pushing back the internal wall. The door between the bedroom and the ensuite was changed to a cavity slider, again to save space and also to improve flow.

A new vanity, topped by a feature, river-stone basin, was introduced, with a large recessed mirror cabinet above – giving the owners much needed storage. The area around the vanity benefits from the natural light from the half-window that stretches along the outside wall. The sliced-off shape of the walk-in shower maximises its size without compromising flow and usable floor space.

The use of timber-look tiling on the floor and feature wall created the point of difference requested by the clients, and the black fittings link back to the new furniture they have recently acquired.

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A new vanity, topped by a feature, river-stone basin, was introduced – giving the owners much needed storage. The area around the vanity benefits from the natural light from the half-window.

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